Empathy as a Business Super Power

In the early days after my 2nd was born, the last thing I wanted to do was try to shop for clothes when I had no idea what fit anymore. It was in that overdone, overwhelmed state of mind when I encountered a remarkable sales clerk, a woman in her 50s, who turned my dreaded shopping experience into something unexpectedly positive.

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Samantha Dillenback
Leadership Lessons from the Changing Seasons

I am clinging hard to every last bit of summer right now. Your early Halloween decorations are an offense to the warm, lazy days of the best season of the year. But the seasons are changing and the cooler weather is coming. We can’t slow down time. We have to learn how to dance with it.

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Samantha Dillenback
Embracing the Work-Life Balance: Crafting an Ideal Week That Suits Your Lifestyle

Finding the right balance between work and personal life can be a daunting task. As leaders, we often find our calendars and energies at the mercy of others, responding to fire drills and questions all day until we realize we’ve worked on everyone else’s todo list but our own. Crafting an ideal week that not only boosts productivity but also aligns with your unique lifestyle is an art, not a science.

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Samantha Dillenback
Time Management Hacks for Nerds

As we gear up for the back-to-school season, the shift in our children's routines can sometimes feel like trying to solve a complex equation. Fear not, for we've got some nerdy yet practical time management hacks to help you efficiently manage your time and maintain your sanity. So grab your virtual pocket protectors and let's dive into some productivity techniques and tools!

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Samantha Dillenback
The Power of Small Wins in Goal Setting

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the magnitude of your goals, losing motivation because progress seems slow or unattainable? It's time to change your perspective and embrace the power of small wins in goal setting. By celebrating little victories along the way, you can unlock a hidden force that propels you forward, creating unstoppable momentum.

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Samantha Dillenback
The Secret to Consistent and Personalized Customer Experiences

Personalization is the foundation of exceptional customer experiences. As your business grows, the challenge of maintaining that personalized customer experiences becomes more complex. How do you scale operations while preserving the personal touch that sets your brand apart? The secret to growing bigger while preserving that small company feeling is in the art of balancing.

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Samantha Dillenback